About Us
Gallery manager and curator; garrie maguire
He has a research degree in the intersection of photography and masculinity as expressed in Australian and Chinese culture. Worked at Red Gate Gallery in Beijing with Brian Wallace. He has been exhibiting his work since the early 1990s and been a finalist in many Australian photo prizes.
Marketing and financial manager; Joey Locsin
He has vast experience in customer service, marketing and human resources in Manila and Melbourne.
To provide a space for the exhibition of contemporary and historic photography to introduce new and unheralded work alongside the cannon. To allow the history, themes and genres to play with each other. To create a community of a photo media practitioners firstly in Victoria then on a North South axis who have an interest in each other’s success and create opportunities for that success. The North South axis is Australia through South East Asia to North Asia. It is time to assert ourselves over WENA's (Western Europe and North America) dominance.
Our mission to bring interesting practitioners to a bigger audience. Major gallery curators no longer are visible on the scene. XYZ is a early rung on the ladder to recognition.
To be the exhibition space with the support and advice that the director would have liked when he was in his 20s as seen 25 years later. We have a number of ways for artists to exhibit with us. We have kept out overheads very low. We understand the passion, effort and costs of making great photographs and work with our artists.
To help all the smaller Melbourne based photographic businesses to leverage from one another, to build the market via our ‘what’s on’ newsletter.
312/757 Bourke St
Docklands 3008 Vic
Entry on Batmans Hill Drive
follow the Nixon Hotel wall to the swinging door.
We are proudly based in Docklands, Melbourne Australia, 350m from Southern Cross Station and trams 70/75/11/48 have stops close.
We show bodies of historic work as well as contemporary work. To make this affordable we will charge in prints not cash. For details talk to the gallery. These will have artist/curator talks to be videoed and made available. Themed exhibitions curated in house.
We encourage curated exhibitions in photo media that are organised outside the gallery. Contact the gallery if you have an proposal or work in progess.
Screen based projects. Projects that are too big to be shown on our limited wall space, as well as projects in development, we will put on a monitor. These will often be new projects and may be accompanied by a clipboard that allows for feedback from people who visit the gallery.
To explain the art world and how photography fits in.
History of photography
Artist/Curator talks on talks to be videoed
Make an appointment and the director will provide feedback on portfolios for people starting out for a print. The print will be our physical memory of the meeting. On occasion other industry people will join.
This website will document our exhibitions past and present. Sales will be made via the website for all works, to keep accounting easy and transparency with the artists we show.
Reframe-Refocus.xyz will provide a platform for reviews and blogs on the current photography scene in Victoria .
We will set up a youtube channel that collects the videos of artist talks, seminars and other events.
Open a dialogue with other small photographic businesses, labs, darkrooms, galleries to create a directory that can be used on all our websites and other places.
Find synergies with other businesses to cross promote. To build Melbourne photo scene into one of the most vibrant and important in the world.
Create a newsletter that keeps the photographic community informed on what is currently on and businesses in photography.
Bring photographers together and by socialising and print swapping have a vested interest in each other’s success. Through this form a new school of photography that can be world influencing. Reading histories of art, I found that art centres like NYC in the last half of last century and Beijing now happen when there is a large group of practitioners that interact.
We encourage print swapping. If you are interested please contact the gallery.
After a few years of progress and building the base, we will present a curated photographic contest resulting in an exhibition around masculinity. The prizes for this will be photographs. This will have an entry fee.